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Trends for 2021

A big hello to 2021 - we’re looking forward to what this year will bring in terms of Digital Marketing Trends. 2020 brought us things that no one could have predicted, affecting each individual business differently, both positively and negatively.

Is Tiktok still #1 for GenZ?

Gen Z will continue to use TikTok for the foreseeable future. Why? The reasons are infinite - Education, hacks, connection, money, therapy… The list goes on.

Psychology & Social Media

Why do we post on social media? Is it the instant gratification we receive? Or a sense of belonging? Or is it simply just because we actually like the photo? We’re not exactly sure, but we as a society have come to the conclusion that it has something to do with several psychological motivations

The upside of Covid-19, 3 benefits for your brand

As we regress back into the new normal, many are wondering if we’ll see any benefits from the pandemic, considering the damage it's done on our economy. Although this period of time has seen us face many challenges, there have been some changes that may come as a surprise to many!

5 Reasons why you should consider getting influencers

Who knew that influencer marketing would've taken off the way that it has! Being an influencer used to be purely reserved for celebrities or those with high followings; Now anyone who can create interesting content or know how to talk to their audience has the potential to become an influencer.

What is “Banner Blindness” and how can you overcome it

Consumers have become smarter over time… much smarter. They know when they're seeing an ad, and quite frankly, they’re a bit over it. We as brands need to find a way to combat this, looking for fresh alternatives to avoid what has been labelled as the dreaded “Banner Blindness.”